Now what, like the other posters, I've been there too! I remember telling my friends while I was a JW, "If we don't have the truth, no one does." Alot leave the Watchtower, and always keep that view.
Now that I'm gone, I'm finding that there is a whole lot more truth outside the WT than we thought.
What I recommend is this: Start over. And I mean ALL OVER. Decide not to know anything. (1Cor 2:2) Acknowledge that this was not "the truth". They have developed many doctrines over the years that are not biblical.
Jesus said to watch out for false prophets. They dress in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. (Matt 7:15). Think of what that means in regards to the Watchtower. Most of us have seen that they are false prophets. They have falsly prophesied not once, or twice, or even three times. But MANY MANY times. So how are they dressed in sheeps clothing?
First, they make it seem like all their doctrine and prophecy are based on scripture. They are not making it up themselves. It is the SCRIPTURES that indicate these things. See the wool? It's not men. It's God. If it was obvious that MEN were making these doctrines up, we would see the wolf right away. And this isn't just apparent in prophecy. It is true in their doctrines of Jesus (degrading him to an angel), their doctrines on death and the soul, their doctrines on the divine name, etc.
Second, they look like sheep! They sound like sheep! They seem to show love all over the world. They seem to preach God's Kingdom. They seem to be thoroughly dedicated to God. But that is merely the wool. They are false prophets that have decieved millions, spiritually abused millions, and lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
The best advice I can give you is to start over again. Read the NT alone. Pick a translation other than the NWT (not that it is even a translation). Take some time to yourself, and read through it. See who the early Christians thought the person of Jesus was. See who they thought the Holy Spirit was. A person? A power? See what and who we are to focus on. Take your time. Don't worry what other people think. Just pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be there to guide you into ALL truth. John 16:13 says: " But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."
If you believe that, and are open to follow truth wherever it leads, you will be fine. That is the key. Follow truth. Even if it leads you into areas that you are scared of, or challenges doctrines that you've always loved. As you read through the NT, pay close attention to Romans and Galatians. Those two books damage the WT positon greatly. Reading them without WT or even outside Christian materials will show you a stark contrast to what the WT teaches. Read and ponder of John 1. Read Romans 8 and see how different this is from WT "theology". Read Galatians and ponder over the freedom we have in Christ and how we no longer have to follow rules, requirements, works, etc. It is all about grace. And we obey, not because of enforcement of rules or fear of punishment, but because of intense love for God.
As has been brought out, it is not "where am I to go". It is "Who else is there to go to?" Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. The ONLY way. We will not find salvation in any other. Nor will we find salvation by taking refuge in a church or organization and dedicating ourselves to them. However, we CAN find great support and freedom in being able to worship with others. And knowing that they TOO are Christians. There are Christians in MANY churches. And there are non denominational churches that will accept you, even if you reject Trinity, Hell, etc... There is not an enforcement of belief as there was in the WT. You can feel free to disagree with the pastor who is speaking. You can tell him to his face! You can have lively conversations about it. And...NOT BE DF'D!!!
I hope this helped. Remember that this is a long journey. Don't tie yourself down. You are already doing good in saying "I'm not ready". Keep that. Only do what you are ready for. Take your time. Examine everything. Why you believe what you believe. What you believe. And be willing to follow truth. Truth has nothing to hide. Only error hides from inquiry.